Jesus’ commands, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15). Woolsey Baptist Church prioritizes global missions through praying, giving and going. A significant percentage of financial offerings are given each year to support over 5,000 International Mission Board missionaries scattered around the world and 5,000 North American Mission Board Missionaries. We specifically partner with seven missionary families who are taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.


We partner with the the E family as they work to equip and mentor young adults in Uganda. Pray that God will remove all fear and give them boldness. Pray that a spirit of security and peace will return to Uganda and each student will find their calling in it. 


We partner with two families that are serving in Taiwan. The J family is serving their church in the city by making disciples and sharing the gospel. Pray for opportunities to equip Taiwanese believers to share the gospel in their relational networks.  

The K family is equipping Taiwan to engage the Bibleless peoples of Asia. Pray for their them as they continue to love their Taiwanese brethren and establish a home of hope, prayer, and hospitality among them. 

Central Asia

We partner with R as she teaches and shares her faith in Central Asia. Pray for the language learning process and that there would be a new rise of religious freedom as the local church works to make God’s Word their foundation and raise up leaders in the church that would help shepherd the community of believers. 

Middle East

We partner with the B Family as they reach the unreached in the Middle East. Pray for opportunities to engage the people group and for new teammates who will be joining them on their mission of furthering the gospel in the Middle East. 

North Africa

We partner with the C Family as they study language and reach the unreached in North Africa. Pray for their language learning to be swift. Ask also for their children to adjust and make friends. And pray the Lord uses their witness to draw this people group to himself.


We partner with the O family in Baltimore, Maryland!  They are reaching the city of Baltimore by planting churches and making disciples. Pray for wisdom as they continue to plant churches and for resources and skilled workers as they outfit those churches for the ministry and training.